Multifunction DAQ

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triggering the frame reset using daq board

Hi All,


I have a camera which have a functionality called Frame reset [/Frame_Rest] (through I/0) enabled when the pins are shorted to GND, I am wondering how can I use the DAQ baord to enable that functioanlity. Is it possible to do that using DAQ boad.

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Message 1 of 4

Without knowing more about your camera or DAQ device this is about as specific as I can be.


I assume your camera doesn't actually need to be grounded on that pin to trigger fram reset, rather it only needs a digital low signal (<0.8V).


If this is the case, then you can configure a digital output on your DAQ device to output digital high until you want to trigger that frame reset. When you want to trigger the frame reset you will simply output digital low, which will trigger the reset, then continue to output digital high on that pin.


Hope this helps.

Casey B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

@HeisenBerger15 wrote:

Without knowing more about your camera or DAQ device this is about as specific as I can be.


I assume your camera doesn't actually need to be grounded on that pin to trigger fram reset, rather it only needs a digital low signal (<0.8V).


If this is the case, then you can configure a digital output on your DAQ device to output digital high until you want to trigger that frame reset. When you want to trigger the frame reset you will simply output digital low, which will trigger the reset, then continue to output digital high on that pin.


Hope this helps.

Hi Casey,


Thank you very much, My Daq card is usb 6361. and camera is an analog camera, with serial (db26 i/o connector) for the frame reset and for to enable other different functioanlity. 

frame reset is one of the pin of the i/o, and camera manual mentioned that any funcationality can be enable when pins are shorted to gnd.

how to create a digital low signal? or is there any exmaple for creating an inverter?




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Message 3 of 4
It's trivial to control a single digital line. You use the appropriate DAQmx Write after creating the channel and pass it either a true or a false. Please look at the shipping examples for digital DAQmx. You can even use the DAQ Assistant.
Message 4 of 4