Hello All,
I have a NIDAQmx general programming question for you.
I have done some programming with the traditional nidaq and I have tried the nidaqmx anis-c examples. My question is if i am using 4 or 5 analog channels and 2 or 3 digital channels(ports) can i "configure" or create and start them at the start of my application, do all this other "stuff" (i.e. processing serial messages, displaying, graphing). then go read one of the analog channels, Do I create all of them and start them at the beginning of my application and just read the channels when I need them or do i have to create, start, read, and stop everytime i need a reading?
The examples that are included are very simple. Where could I find more complex examples, ansi-c? I have searched the website couldn't find much on ansi-c.