02-19-2014 06:50 PM
I have a load cell, I wanted to know how can I read it through NI-USB 6212 DAQ card?
02-20-2014 12:38 AM
I have a key.... how do I drive my car??? 😄
What type of load cell??
usually a look in the user manual tell you how to connect it right 😉
MAX create channel assistant can help, RTFM can help
02-21-2014 10:35 AM
Thank you for your reply,
I am using a LLB130 FUTEK miniature loadcell. It used o be USBbut I have cut the wire and connect Sig+ and Sig- to one BNC cable and Exc+and EXc- to another BNC cable. I attached the Exc BNC to USER terminal (5 V) and the signal cable to one of the analogue input of the DAQ card. I tried Analog input (voltage) VI in labview it didnt work. I woud be thanful if you help me that hw can I read and process the signal in labview.
04-26-2014 01:06 AM - edited 04-26-2014 01:11 AM
Read the user manual book all information are there you can e asily get all necessary information about your loadcell from there. Working techniques of load cells of different manufacturing companies are different.