09-30-2008 12:37 PM
09-30-2008 01:44 PM
I did not read the full manual of the supply, but it looks as if to program current from 0 to full scale, you need to apply a 0 to 5V signal on the Analog Programming Connector of the supply. Common (ground or -) of the signal connects to pin1 (reference), + of the signal to pin 3 (I prog).
Do not exceed 5V or go below 0V.
Without specs on the analog isolator (a very good idea to use one here) cannot suggest specifics, but the big picture is you need to wire the 2 leads of an analog output channel from your 6008 to the isolator inputs, and the outputs of the isolator would go to the pins on the supply mentioned above. Pay attention to proper polarities. The isolator may need a power supply of its own, not sure.
Hope this helps get you going!
10-02-2008 11:49 AM
10-02-2008 02:51 PM
You are getting there. I'm pressed on time so I didn't do a formal schematic, but this should get you there:
AO0 is analog ouput on the 6008, ----- is the wiring between devices.
<6008, AO0, pin 14>-----------<ISOL SIG+> <ISOL V+>---------<SUPPLY IProg pin3>
<6008, GND, pin 13>----------<ISOL SIG-> <ISOL OUT->------<SUPPLY Reference pin1>
In LabVIEW you can search for examples on analog out. With these channels you can generate any voltage from 0-5V in discrete steps. This is what you will use to program your current output of your supply. Don't forget to supply operating power to the isolator, no need to wire the 2 leads of the supply to anything else.
I suggest, if you have a meter available, to not wire anything together just yet, but break it into steps.
1. Become familiar with setting a voltage with the examples and measure the output with the meter at the 6008 pins to verify proper operation.
2. Connect 6008 AO0 and GND to your isolator inputs, repeat above but meter the output of the isolator at V+ and Out-
3. Wire isolator to power supply, set up power supply for remote input operation for programming output current. You will need a load capable of handling the current the supply can deliver.
Good Luck
07-31-2014 02:41 PM
I am new to labview and I am trying to hook up a pyrometer to take temperature readings and output to labview to display. I should say that I have not purchased any equiptment as of yet, not even Labview. Although I have worked wit hit in the past I am trying to make sure I can make this workbefore I buy anything since I am purchasing it for a company i work for. I was wondering if anyone can share what they feel I will need to make this happen, besides the pyrometer and Labview program of course. I know that there are many DAQ devises that TI sells and I was wondering what I need exactly. I understand that this is a tall order but if I can get some guidance on what I need to purchase it woul dseriously help me. Has any one made a VI for this tast yet, or any schematics I can follow? Thnak you in advance.
07-31-2014 03:53 PM
I used an Omega IR-USB recently with LabView, no need for a DAQ card.
Speed of response is a bit slow, a couple readings per second.
The code was quite simple and did not take much time. If the device suits your needs, I may be able to post the code.
07-31-2014 04:20 PM