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digi 5-Port USB AnyWhere Remote USB Over IP Extender in combination with NI USB-6008

Although I don't know about the GPIB-USB-HS specifically, my comments on Trouble connecting USB6211 through USB Extender are probably still relevant.


We do make Ethernet-to-GPIB adapters, and Ethernet and Wireless CompactDAQ products.


These products have been designed to work over an Ethernet network. Our USB products, such as the GPIB-USB-HS, have not.


USB is substantially different from Ethernet (single-client bus vs. multi-client network, different packet size restrictions, different timing restrictions, etc). There are no standards for how a USB-to-Ethernet bridge should operate, so every third-party USB-to-Ethernet bridge works a bit differently, with their own quirks, in how they try to graft the two sides together. Testing every USB product with every third-party USB-to-Ethernet bridge is simply an intractible problem, which is why we discourage using them with NI USB devices.

Brandon Streiff ·
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Hi, there is DiGI AnywhereUSB-14, from it goes the token to the Hyper-V virtual machine. Everything was fine, but at some point the key began to turn off, and the error continually appears Can not find Remote Hub, tell me someone met this?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

This is a forum for National Instruments products. We don't really have the expertise for diagnosing issues you may have with the Digi AnywhereUSB. Perhaps you should try Digi's support forums?

Brandon Streiff ·
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 13