03-29-2007 01:22 PM
03-30-2007 11:16 AM
Are you using DAQmx?
If so, how many samples does your program read at a time before logging to disk? If you increase the number of samples you read at a time, (and subsequently write to disk), you can reduce the CPU utilization and increase the acquisition rate. There is some overhead for each Read that you use.
I suspect the reason your multiple channel data rate is higher is because, with more channels, you are reading more data with each read call.
Hope this help,
03-30-2007 01:12 PM
04-03-2007 11:46 AM
04-03-2007 03:20 PM
04-09-2007 01:55 PM
04-09-2007 02:38 PM
04-12-2007 11:44 AM
04-16-2007 11:38 AM
04-16-2007 03:47 PM