04-10-2007 01:57 PM
04-11-2007 01:05 PM
04-12-2007 02:00 PM
I did confirm that the error message occurs whenever i deliberately slow down my VI causing the AO Buffer to run out of data.
Enclosed is a stripped down VI as you asked.
Thanks for your help!
04-13-2007 03:31 PM
04-13-2007 04:28 PM
I am using NI-DAQmx 8.1.0f1
Normally my LabVIEW VI can write 250 samples to the buffer every 0.25 seconds. If there is a temporary delay during any iteration, the LabVIEW VI writes more samples in the next write operation, so it is able to catch up if the delay is 2 seconds or less.
Apart from the error code nomenclature, is there anything else i can do to avoid this error?
04-16-2007 02:11 PM