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cDAQ-9189 Ethernet to NI-9213

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Is there an additional module we need to connect the NI9213 to cDAQ-9189 or does ethernet connect the two directly?


Is an additional power source needed for the NI9213's if connect via ethernet?


Does cDAQ9189 allow 8x modules to be connected via ethernet?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hi friend


I will try to address each question following:

  • Is there an additional module we need to connect the NI9213 to cDAQ-9189 or does ethernet connect the two directly?You only need to connect the chassis and all the modules within this chassis will be recognized by NI-MAX.
  • Is an additional power source needed for the NI9213's if connect via ethernet?All the power will be provided by the chassis, therefore it is only required to provide power to the chassis.
  • Does cDAQ9189 allow 8x modules to be connected via ethernet? Yes, all the modules are going to be recognized as modules used in the chassis.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Thank you for your response, but I guess I wasn't clear enough with my question.

I was hoping that the TC module would connect to the chassis via ethernet so that I don't have to us up so much TC wire. But apparently there is no such thing as "external modules", maybe that's something for the idea hardware forum.


I'm not sure what connector is in the back of the modules, if it's a standard type port then wouldn't it be possible to jerry-rig a cable from module to chassis?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

In my opinion, it would be really dangerous for the device to use it without using the chassis. This is because it will be difficult to determine what every pin on the back side of the module does. Additionally, the chassis provide peak current protection that could save the device in an extreme condition. If you would like to use a device stand alone, I would recommend a USB device, like USB-6002.




Have a great day friend

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Do you know if I need to have differential analog inputs for TC's or will single ended work fine?

Also, I would need to hook up at least 4x of these modules and run them simultaneously within our labview data logging program. Is there a way to combine the usb signals from multiple modules and still get accurate temp readings?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

The USB-6002 probably doesn't have enough resolution to be suitable for thermocouple measurements.


If you want to reduce the length of the thermocouple wire, you could use the NI 9213 (or perhaps a lower channel-count module) in a single-slot chassis (cDAQ-9171 for USB, cDAQ-9181 for Ethernet) that is placed closer to your measurement site. Apologies for the hastily-drawn-in-MSPaint diagrams, but it would turn a topography like:





Note that the single-slot chassis do not support cross-device synchronization, which means that channels between them cannot be placed into the same DAQmx Task-- however, you can have a DAQmx Task for each chassis, then combine the readings on the PC side.

Brandon Streiff ·
Message 6 of 9

I'll have to keep doing some digging, but it looks like my options are pretty limited at this point.

Depending on which is the more inexpensive solution, i'll probably go with something like number 2. Do you have any recommendations for what might exist in the red circle?


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Accepted by LabNoob14

USB hub (if you go with the cDAQ-9171) or Ethernet switches (cDAQ-9181).

Brandon Streiff ·
Message 8 of 9

Cool, thank you for your help!

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9