The Software for our PXI instrument based ATE still uses NIDAQ 6.9.3 with Measurement Studio 6.0, DMM 2.0.1, NI Visa 2.6.1, MAX 2.2 etc. They have been working fine and we need to continue using them for some more time, before migrating our Software to work with NIDAQ 8.0mx series.
Recently, after we installed NIDAQ 8.1mx setup for demo view, we are trying to go back to our known NI software configuration setup with NIDAQ 6.9.3 etc. as mentioned above. But we are unable to get a working setup again and are struggling for the past over 2 days. We get a error message when we launch NI MAX 2.2 and it crashes. Due to that none of our ATE software tools can run, as they use all the NI stuff underneath. The error we get is shown in the attached document.
We contacted NI, Bangalore, India over phone and they gave us some tips. Please see the email from them. It includes actions like cleaning up the registries step by step, running the Windows installer clean up tool of Microsoft etc. We followed all those exactly and reinsalled all our old set of software. But we still have the same problem of NI MAX 2.2 crashing with same error.
We are desparate to get this issue solved so that we can progress with our work. And we do not want to format our hard disk drive. We hope someone can help us with the right and detailed solution for this issue without formating the HDD. Or is that the only option?
Please help us.
Best regards,
D Rajakumar
General Manager (Applications Engineering)
Third Millenium Test Solutions (3MTS)
Bangalore // Mobile: 98452-90456