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USB 6008 DI Issue in Labview

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Hi All,


I have been doing some simple labs with my new DAQ6008.


i am following the tutorial video "analog input with digital alarm" at the following link under the virtual demos tab


The problem is when I run the VI which is the same as on the video I get an error message, I have pasted it below:


Error -200524 occurred at DAQmx Write (Digital 1D Bool NChan 1Samp 1Line).vi:2


 Possible reason(s):

Write cannot be performed, because the number of channels in the data does not match the number of channels in the task.

When writing, supply data for all channels in the task. Alternatively, modify the task to contain the same number of channels as the data written.

Number of Channels in Task: 1
Number of Channels in Data: 10

Task Name: _unnamedTask<268>


The only difference between what I am doing and the tutorial vid is that I have a USB6008 and the 6009 is being used.


Any ideas what the problem may be?

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author Marko1982

Hi Marko,

The issue you are having is that your DAQ assistant is set up to output to a single digital line.  For this it needs a single boolean value, either true or false.


The error is occurring because you are supplying it with 10 digital values and it cannot convert the 10 value into 1.

If you post your VI I can advise you better where the mistake is.


Best regards,


John.P | Certified LabVIEW Architect | NI Alliance Member
Message 2 of 6

Hi John,


Thats what it was! I had to change a the amount of samples coming from my analog ouput to one sample.


This then fixed the problem!


Thank you!



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Message 3 of 6

hi hey any one is there

my program is stop after some time it's create error200278

please give me suggsion 

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Message 4 of 6

hi all, for some time working with this data card adquisisción as anyone would caused some minor problem, this paper will be able to find some initial advice to start using the DAQ USB6008, I hope they can be useful

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Message 5 of 6

This document will be able to read-write digital signals from a DAQ USB6008

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Message 6 of 6