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SCXI-1349 Cable Adapter Pin Assignment

Good Morning,

      We have the SCXI-1349 Cable Adapter between the NI 4472 Adapter and SCXI-1520 module but there seems to be a discrepancy for pin assignments in the manuals.


Chan.  68 Pin  50 Pin  1520 Manual (Rear 50 Pin Connector)

+0        68        01        03

-0         34        02        04

+1       33        03        05

-1         66        06        06

+2        65        07        07

-2         31        08        08

+3        30        09        09

-3         63        12        10

+4        28        14        11

-4         61        16        12

+5        60        18        13

-5         26        17        14

+6        25        20        15

-6         58        22        16

+7        57        24        17

-7         23        23        18

     May I ask where to find the Correct Pin assignments for the 1349 and 4472 Adapter?


Joe D

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Hi Joe D,

M-Series Breakout Pin Translations for the SCXI-1349 and SCXI-1346 agrees with the SCXI-1520 manual. The SCXI-1349 Shielded Cable Adapter Installation Guide that is on the web doesn't have any pinouts as far as I can tell. Which documentation did you get the middle column from?


Brad Keryan
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Brad,

    The middle column is from the 68 pin output connector to the 50 pin input connector on the 1349 via ohm check.

Thanks for the note

Joe D

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi S21401,

I have successfully used the break out pin conversion table that Brad K has posted. Would you mind trying your test again? Also, what is your application? Are you trying to build a custom connector? How exactly are you interfacing the 4472 with the 1520?

Ryan D.
District Sales Manager for Boston & Northern New England
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Good Morning,

   1520 module to 1349 adapter to 4472 adaptor, the adaptor we thought was an 1349 is not a 1349. I have not been able to id the adaptor we have with the numbers found on the part(183137B-01) but after borrowing a 1349 ,the table Brad gave is true. I want to thank everyone that helped us,I'm sorry I did not post our solution/find yesterday when we found the problem.


Joe D

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Hi Joe D,

It looks like you have an SCXI-1353 kit, which includes an SCXI-1349 and an SCXI AI-48/DIO-24 adapter, which is the mystery connector:

Brad Keryan
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6