Multifunction DAQ

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Ramp Graph varies Time by using DAQ with PXI-6221

Hello Friends;


I have the task by using the LabView with DAQ for controlling the voltage Analoge Output with PXI-6221. By controlling the voltage, I have to monitor the ramp graph through Oscilloscope. I have to programm the task in order I could monitor it through Oscilloscope. The following details are describe how the Ramp Graph works:

  • from 0s - 10s = 0V constant
  • from 10s - 20s = 5V (the Voltage shows ramp curve)
  • from 20s - 80s = 5V (the Voltage is constant)
  • from 80s - 100s = 0V (the Voltage shows de-ramp curve)
  • from 100s - 110s = 0V constant

The following attachment shows us the curve that is going to monitor in Oscillospoe through LabView Programming by using DAQ Communication.

Anyone could help me to guide it properly?

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Aidylzaid,


use the triangle generator and chop its output.

See example in the attachment.


Best Regards,


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Message 2 of 3

And the attachment again...

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Message 3 of 3