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LABVIEW + USB6008 +x2 NEMA17 Stepper Motors

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Hi all,


I am carrying out a project to operate two NEMA17 stepper motors at a constant velocity, through the use of the USB6008 multifunctional DAQ device.


I have looked into this through the following link:


However, I am now looking to wire this up, in a manner that doesn't damage the circuitry, and was wondering if someone could provide advice and tips for wiring this setup correctly.


The NEMA17 motors have a voltage of 3.3V, and a rated current / phase of 1.5 A.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Message 1 of 7

See attached the motor specification:



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Message 2 of 7
Accepted by topic author JB005

USB-6008 cannot directly drive the stepper motor (evident from the voltage and current requirements). You need a stepper motor driver that takes in digital signals and drives the stepper motor accordingly.


Look at this catalogue on some excellent stepper motor drivers -


Now, USB-6008 sends digital pulses/signals to this stepper motor driver which in turn controls the higher voltage / current stepper motor.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 3 of 7

As you follow Santhosh's link, I'd recommend you *also* look into the stepper controllers.


Constant velocity requires a constant rate of step pulse "command" signals, which in turn requires hardware-based timing.  The USB-6008 does not offer counter pulse train capability, nor hardware timing capability for its digital outputs.  You can't even fake it with analog output b/c that doesn't support hardware timing either.  It really isn't a suitable device for controlling stepper motor speed.


The vendor in the link offers a few stepper controllers.  I didn't research any of them deeply and can't say for sure if any of them would be suitable.   But you do need *something* capable of delivering a constant step pulse rate, and I expect you probably want the rate to be  programmable.  Those things point to *some* kind of stepper controller.  



-Kevin P

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
Message 4 of 7

Hi   and ,


Thanks for both of your help on this issue, I greatly appreciate it.


After some more research, I have come across example circuitry, making use of a NEMA17-compatible driver, however, I was wondering if the USB6008 would be able to replace the microcontroller in this example, and therefore sending the signals for step and direction.




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Message 5 of 7

With the USB-6008, step pulse timing would not be consistent and the top frequency would also be limited.  Both issues are due to the need to toggle a digital line with software timing because hardware timing isn't supported.


You could probably generate some motion as a proof of concept, but you won't get constant or particularly high speed.



-Kevin P





































ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
Message 6 of 7

Good Evening Everyone,


I am trying to control stepper motor without using Arduino. I have written a Labview code generating 4 outputs in a cyclic fashion which will allow my motor to rotate. I am Stuck in between on how to wire my hardware correctly and send my generated signals to the driver in such a way that stepper motor can rotate. 


I will attach my code in the section.


It will be a great help if anyone can guide me through it. 





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Message 7 of 7