Multifunction DAQ

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How to save Multiple analog channel data with timestamp into spreadhseet/csv file

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Hi All,


I have USB DAQ device which I am using to acquire analog voltage from 4 channels (though different sampling rate). I am having trouble in saving the data to spreadsheet/csv file. I need to add timestamp as first column and have 4 other columns of data with different headings and also need to make a new file for every day.

Please see my attached try, I tried to use build array but all I get is a single string from get time and date function inside loop. how can I add time stamp to the file.


Thank you.

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Message 1 of 9
Accepted by topic author AnkitG

Hello AnkitG,


if you are using one device, then only one sample rate can be used for all channels normally set the fastest rate.
Do you want the timestamp for each sample?

If you are using waveform instead of double, you get the start timestamp and the delta t.


Attached an example not tested. I also recommend to split the acquisition from write to spreadsheet with a queue.


best regards
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9


@Duffy2007 wrote:

Hello @AnkitG


if you are using one device, then only one sample rate can be used for all channels normally set the fastest rate.
Do you want the timestamp for each sample?

If you are using waveform instead of double, you get the start timestamp and the delta t.


Attached an example not tested. I also recommend to split the acquisition from write to spreadsheet with a queue.



Hi Alexander,


Thank you very much for the help but xls file generated by the program now have all the data in one column and time stamp in one. how can I have separate column for each channel data and timestamp ( I only need one timestamp column)

you mentioned to split the acquisition with queue how can I do that.


Thanks for the help,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9
Accepted by topic author AnkitG

Hello AnkitG,


attached a modified example not fully tested.

Please also save the file as .csv instead of .xls and separate the values with ; instead of ,

best regards
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Message 4 of 9

thank you very much alexander, though " ," worked rather then " ; " for csv file

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Hi there,

Can you guys please upload your vi again for labview 2015 or earlier. 

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Message 6 of 9