03-20-2023 08:58 AM
Hello all,
I am using the NI-DAQmx C API with a cDAQ-9185 controller and various modules with delta-sigma converters.
I can illustrate my problem with the NI-9232 IEPE module: According to the datasheet, the module supports three different "decimation rates" (= oversample rates): 64x, 128x and 256x.
My question: Is it possible to programmatically determine the current decimation rate (oversampling rate)?
As far as I can see, only the value DAQmx_SampClk_TimebaseDiv can be queried, which is the product of 2 times decimation rate times clock divider.
Thanks a lot!
03-20-2023 02:25 PM
Valid Sampling Rates for NI DSA, CM C Series and SC Express Devices
Use DAQmxGetSampClkRate to get the actual sampling rate.
03-21-2023 05:06 AM
Thank you, ZYOng, for your answer. Actually I'm not really referring to the sampling rate, but to the oversampling rate of the delta-sigma converter.
The datasheet of the 9232 module describes:
Preliminary solution I implemented yesterday was:
double oversamplingRate = 0.;
// first get base and sampling rate
float64 timeBaseRate = 0.;
float64 samplingRate = 0.;
DAQmxGetSampClkTimebaseRate(taskHandle, &timeBaseRate)); // get time base
DAQmxGetSampClkRate(taskHandle, &samplingRate)); // get sampling rate as set by driver
// compute decimation factor
const int decimationFactor = static_cast<int>(timeBaseRate / samplingRate);
// decimationFactor = 2 x decimatinRate x clockDivider, clockDivider is in [1, 26] (cf. 9232 datasheet)
const int cMinClockDivider = 1;
const int cMaxClockDivider = 26;
// possible decimation rates for Ni-9232 oversampling
const std::set<int> sDecimationRates = { 64, 128, 256 }; // cf. 9232 specs
// now find a decimation rate that fulfills samplingRate = baseRate / (2 x decimationRate x clockDivider)
bool decimationRateFound = false;
for (auto it = sDecimationRates.crbegin(), itEnd = sDecimationRates.crend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
const int decimationRate = *it;
const int potentialClockDivider = decimationFactor / 2 / decimationRate;
if ((potentialClockDivider >= cMinClockDivider) && (potentialClockDivider <= cMaxClockDivider)) {
decimationRateFound = true;
oversamplingRate = decimationRate*samplingRate; // now we got it!
However, this solution has two disadvantages:
1. It is valid only for the 9232 module
2. I do not think that the solution is unique.
As for the second point, I choose the highest possible oversampling rate, but I don't know what NI does internally.
So I've been looking for an API function to query the oversampling rate, but I don't think there is one.
03-21-2023 08:22 AM
And why is the decimation rate important to the user if is handled by the driver?
03-21-2023 08:54 AM
@santo_13 wrote:
And why is the decimation rate important to the user if is handled by the driver?
I need the decimation rate to determine the input delay:
Cf. https://www.ni.com/docs/de-DE/bundle/ni-9232-specs/page/overview.html:
Cf. also: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P8toSAC&l=de-DE