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DAQCard-700 on Linux

Hello everybody out there using a DAQCard-700,

The DAQCard-700 is detected right away by the Linux comedi kernel module/driver.

My question is, whether there is a way to use it without using the C programming language or LabVIEW.

Is it possible to acquire data with the DAQCard-700 using Python or MATLAB?

Kind regards

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Message 1 of 3



The driver was developed to work with C or LabVIEW. This does not mean you cannot build "wrappers" in other languages to call the C functions provided. However, they are something NI has not tested and cannot guarantee will work.


I find this community article about programming DAQmx with Python in Linux using PyDAQmx*. I guess you can give it a try.


*Please note that PyDAQmx is not developed nor supported by National Instruments.


All the best,

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks a lot for your answer.


It would of course be perfect, if I could access the DAQCard-700 with PyDAQmx.

I always thought the PyDAQmx would only work with an installed DAQmx Linux driver and not the the kernel module.

Using PyDAQmx for interacting with the DAQCard700 would be very time efficient for rapid development avoiding the need to use C.

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