I have a 6 axis JR3 transducer and a JR3 PCI card with on-board decription for the transducer signal. I have ActiveX controls downloaded from Dr. J Norberto Pires that interact with the transducer in LabView, but the only vi that obtains data is "Read F/T Data" and this only gets me one sample of the six signals.
I need to acquire very fast and continuously so no data is lost, but using this Read F/T Data vi in a timed while loop doesn't work because some loop counts are missed. The "continuously" part is also a problem. Solving this is, of course, is very easy using the DAQ assistant, but because the card isn't NI, I don't believe I have this option.
I also need to sync the DAQ timing with another card, an NI card, that I currently have working perfectly in a continuous buffered DAQ read and write.
Help if you can, or point me to a page where I can read something useful. Thank you!