Multifunction DAQ

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AT-MIO-16XE-50 on Vista

I've been tasked with upgrading a LV 5 application, which uses an AT-MIO-16XE-50, to Vista, and possibly even Windows 7.  I have tried to find out what is the latest ni-daq and ni-daqmx support for this board but it is not listed.  I am pretty sure it has the same hardware as NI 6011E (PCI-MIO-16XE-50) but can anyone tell me if this board is exactly the same as a NI 6011E with regard to daq driver support?  Note the NI 6011E is supported by ni-daqmx 8.9.5 on Vista.  If it is not the same regarding daq drivers, can someone tell me the latest ni-daq or ni-daqmx drivers for this board and if they work on Vista?


As far as Windows 7 will ni-daqmx 8.9.5 or traditional daq install and work on this OS? The driver support page doesn't explicitly say ni-daqmx 8.9.5 supports Windows 7 but I thought it might install there just fine?  If I am stuck using traditional daq with the AT-MIO-16XE-50 I would like to know if I can get that driver on Windows 7.



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Hello DrMike,


We do not support any of the AT bus cards on Vista or Windows 7.  The AT bus was continued quite a while ago.  There is a beta version of the Traditional DAQ driver that has limited functionality on Vista, but it is only compatible with PCI and PXI cards.  If you need to move your system to Windows Vista or Windows 7, you will need to get a DAQ card that is supported in NI-DAQmx, such as our X Series cards,  and convert your application from using the Traditional NI-DAQ driver to using the NI-DAQmx driver, ideally NI-DAQmx 9.0.2.



Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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