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06-20-2006 05:11 AM
06-22-2006 10:13 AM
07-19-2006 07:25 AM
Sorry that it takes some time to answer !!
The terminal configuration ist : Diff and there are 2 grounded signals.
The values are different if i use one handle to measure both signals. With one handle for each signal
the AI shows the correct values
I think the problem is the settling time for input of the A/D-converter. With a high output impedance
connected to the AI it takes a longer time to load the A/D-converter input to the new voltage. Setting down the
sampling rate does no effect. I have to slow down the rate that switches the multiplexer from channel to channel
in one handle so the A/D-converter has more time to change his input value to the new one. With an output resistence
of the unit to test at 3kOhm i have no problem but with 21kOhm it is a problem.
regards Lutz
07-19-2006 10:17 AM
07-24-2006 02:07 AM
Hello Wolfgang,
thanks for your answer.
After some more reading this forum i found an application note (AN045)
about the data aund the settling time.
I hafe to measure 2 different types of sensors. Each sensor basicly consitsts
af a simple bridge. The resistors of the bridge are effected of a magnetic field.
Each sensor has 2 bridges ( sin + cos )
So you can measure length with a magnetic yardstick the number of revolutions
withe a mag. field rotating over the sensor. We do this measurements on waferbase
with each single sensor. For the length sensors it is no problem to measure the sin and
cos signals separate in one handle each signal (Labwindows/CVI 7.1) but for the angular sensors
it is important to know the time dependence of the sin + cos signal so i have to measure them
in one handle.
An other possibilitie is to measure the sin + cos signals together withe a reference signal that makes it
possible to assign the signals to the angle of the mangnetic field. This is o.k. because the settling time error
concerns not on the 1st channel in a handle. So i can place the important signal at the 1st position in the handle
and the reference signal (hallssensor) in the 2nd. But the synchronisation of the signals costs time an time costs
Regards Lutz Geis
07-24-2006 03:55 AM
Is it possible to decrease the multiplexing rate ??
Regards Lutz
07-24-2006 09:42 AM
07-24-2006 01:40 PM
Hi All-
Actually, it IS possible to decrease the rate of the AI Convert Clock (which controls the rate of multiplexing). The best solution is to decrease the source impedance, but changing the timing parameter may help if that is not an option. This setting is a DAQmx Timing Property and can be controlled by the DAQmxSetAIConvRate(TaskHandle taskHandle, float64 data); function. Keep in mind that the convert rate you choose must be at least as fast as [Number of channels in task] * [sample clock rate].
Hopefully this helps-
07-25-2006 11:42 PM
Ahhhhhhh ......................
Is this a "hidden function" ? It is not described in the DAQmx C Help.
07-26-2006 08:55 AM