01-28-2020 04:58 AM
Hello all,
I am Vijay. Me and my Team are looking forward to establish a connection between Igus Dryve D1 and Labview via Modbus TCP/IP. The motor control manufacturer provided a sample Labview code to control stepper motor via TCP/IP. There is no manual/user guide to follow instructions. Although we are not labview experts tried many ways and we are facing an errors.
The motor controller supports Modbus TCP/IP as per manufacturers product description (Igus Dryve D1)
If someone has previously worked with them and could give me some feedback on either the drive or connection type. I would preferably use Ethernet.
To conclude, I'm looking forward to see if someone has:
1) How can we control Ethernet IP or Modbus TCP/IP to control a Dryve D1, which connection type is best if any.
2) Recommended any alternative method?
3) Before run VI do we need to configure the drive in Labview?
Thank you very much for your help and time
PS: If something is unclear, i am ready to explain in more detailed way.
Error details:
Error 56 occurred at TCP Open Connection in MB Master.lvlib:MB_Master_TCP.lvclass:Core.vi:1450001->MB Master.lvlib:MB_Master_TCP.lvclass:Core.vi.ACBRProxyCaller.7B200035
10-26-2020 03:11 AM
Facing exactly the same problem. I tried to ad one motor from IGUS with D1 to our existing acquisition program.
Currently IGUS itself don't offer Labview support!
The sample program they offer from a customer seems to be programmed in an object orientated manner, like with many classes and type defs. I never programmed like that in Labview (cause I work in an optics lab and are not a programmer) and so dont understand that.
IP Ping via WIN cmd was fine. The port number is unknown, how to find that out?
NI Visa TCP/IP connection is not connecting finding anything on that IP
IGUS wants to do produce Labview modules for the D1 in the future they said.
Im going to focus on other controllers with direct LabView support. i.e. physikinstrumente.de or from NI itselve or from others..
05-24-2021 05:06 AM
Hi Vijay,
This is Rajath.
Currently I am working on this. I would like to ask you to share the igus tool for the LabVIEW software. I would like to work on it and share the results.
My email ID- raju.rajath@gmail.com
Rajath Prabhakar
05-25-2021 11:38 PM
Hello Rajath,
find attached the IGUS example program.
If you can make it run please repost on this topic! Thank you 🙂
Best GT
06-15-2021 09:34 AM
We are also interested in such a program.
One of our student bought an IGUS engine and we would like to automate a system with LabView.
My skills on the classes are unfortunately limited.
07-17-2021 04:14 AM
hello everyone,
I have attached the LabVIEW program, which was given by the IGUS. It will perfectly work for the motor control using D1 drvye. Before running it, you need to do some changes to the browser page. Such as,
On the Communication page - switch on the Modbus.
In drive Profile - Change binary into Modbus
then go to Input/Output page - switch on the enable button.
After that, it will be easy for you to use the program.
Please let me know if you have any issues with the connection or control.
Rajath Prabhakar
07-29-2021 09:22 AM
Rajath Prabhakar,
We are trying to use your example code to configure IGUS Dryve D1.
By using your fonctions in the "igus class" we prorammed a reading function of the value in a register address
As you can see in the image attached, reading some register are ok (6092h for example) and other are not ok (607Bh).
We get an error code 171 (43+128) associated with an error modbus code 403715 with no explanation founded.
Do you have an idea of the problem ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
09-01-2021 07:40 AM
Thank you Rajath Prabhakar,
With your explanations I was able to operate our motor by controlling it with LabView.
I still have to modify the main program to transform it into a sub-vi which will integrate into a general program with other functionalities. But now it's classic programming that I know.
02-11-2022 08:57 AM
Hi Rajath Prabhakar,
many thanks for your explanations; due to your description I was able to establish a connection and control the stepper motor via the TestPanel.
My problem is that I have two stepper motors and dryve D1 and I want to drive them to a certain position e.g. once per hour (want to be able to define the time intervall they do their job). Do you know if this is possible with LabVIEW? Can I establish a certain profile which they are driving every time? Because in the webcontrol of igus the maximum pause I can set are 30 seconds, but I need longer breaks. Can anyone help me with that?
Many thanks in advance!
02-15-2022 05:55 AM
Hi Boris,
you can find the zip file attached in the 4th message by GybrushThreepwood . Use these igus drives to create your own project. The project that I shared was directly from the Igus company, in which the sub-VI's can not be open, so it will be difficult for you to a project in Labview using the function blocks from that project.
I have designed a 3D scanner along the X, Y, Z-axis using 3 motor drives and synchronized with the measuring device. you can design your own GUI using these drives. I have attached some front panel pictures, please take a look.
Rajath Prabhakar