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Digital I/O the last step before I FINISH!!!

Digital io... Im at the final step in creating my program.  I have created a program inteded to automate the cleaning process of an atmospheric chamber.  My program is intended to iniatate the fill and evacuation valves based on the pressure readings.  I know the card I am trying to comunicate with is the NI PCI-6023E. I was told that the first four channels are already being used.  i will be working with channels 5, 6, and 7. It was also mentioned to me that in order to comunicate with only channel 5,6, and 7 i must create a mask. I have taken a look at previous programs and they all use port config, port write and port read.  I am also confused at the cluster of true and false constants which seem to have to do with masking the bits... I hope somebody can help

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Message 1 of 3
You may want to post this in the Multifunction DAQ forum, since your application doesn't involve motion control.  You will probably get an answer there.
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Message 2 of 3
Hi overmyhead,

I understand that you are trying to write to only certain lines in your port, using a line mask. To do this, you will simply want to specify a value for the "line mask" input of the DIO Port Write VI. This input is an I32 value; thus you can simply input a value of "224" which would represent the value "11100000" in binary (bits 5, 6, and 7 are set to '1' to indicate that these lines will be written to). I am not sure what cluster you are referring to. Many times, a cluster or array of boolean values is used to represent bits, and this cluster or array is then converted to an integer value.

For an example of writing values to a single line within a port, please refer to the LabVIEW Example Finder (under Help » Find Examples). Within the Example Finder, if you choose to browse according to directory structure, you can find this example under "daq » digital » E-series.llb » Write 1 Pt to Dig Line (E).vi". While this example may not be exactly the same as what you are trying to do, it gives a good idea of how the DIO Port functions are used. I hope this helps,
Daniel S.
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 3