11-16-2015 11:08 AM
Hi all,
I am looking to use the USB-TC01 with a piece of existing software that I have which is written in VB.NET. I've tried following a tutorial such as this one, http://home.hit.no/~hansha/documents/lab/Lab%20Equipment/NI%20USB-TC01/NI%20USB-TC01%20Thermocouple%... to get the .dll for this device However, once I'm at the page where it asks you to select which .NET language support in the DAQmx installation, I try to move on to the next page and it prevents me from doing so because I don't have measurement studio. Is there a way to get the .dll's and amI able to use this device without having to use measurement studio or labview? I've tried taking a look at this similar thread (link below) but I couldn't get that to work. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
11-16-2015 01:27 PM
You don't need Measurement Studio.
You should install NI-DAQmx with support for .NET