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How to get the RGB pointer value of VisionImage in C# .NET

In Visual studio, I use C# to convert VisionImage into Himage (halcon). I can use Genimage1 method to generate grayscale image, but if I want to use Genimage3 method to generate color image, RGB pointer is required. How can I get RGB value or pointer of color image from VisionImage? Or is there any way to convert a color VisionImage into a color Himage? Thank you!


Here is the code for black and white image conversion:


VisionImage vimage = new VisionImage();//Suppose vimage is a grayscale image

private HImage himage = null;



public HImage VImageToHImage(VisionImage vimage)
himage = new HImage();
PixelValue2D p2D;
p2D = vimage.ImageToArray();

Byte[] imagedata = null;

imagedata = ByteArrToByte(p2D.U8, vimage.Height, vimage.Width);


System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle thObject = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(imagedata, System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType.Pinned);


IntPtr tpObject = thObject.AddrOfPinnedObject();

himage.GenImage1("byte", vimage.Width, vimage.Height, tpObject);

return himage;




public static byte[] ByteArrToByte(Byte[,] b, int nNum1, int nNum2)
List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < nNum1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < nNum2; j++)
list.Add(b[i, j]);
byte[] newB = list.ToArray();
return newB;

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Don't know whether this issue is still actual for you or not. Anyway here's the sample on interfacing OpenCV with HALCON: And here's the excerpt from it:

        cv::Mat pImageRed, pImageGreen, pImageBlue;
        std::vector<cv::Mat> sbgr(3);
        cv::split(pImage, sbgr);

        int length = pImage.rows * pImage.cols;
        uchar *dataBlue = new uchar[length];
        uchar *dataGreen = new uchar[length];
        uchar *dataRed = new uchar[length];

        int height = pImage.rows;
        int width = pImage.cols;
        for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
            uchar* ptr = pImage.ptr<uchar>(row);
            for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                dataBlue[row * width + col] = ptr[3 * col];
                dataGreen[row * width + col] = ptr[3 * col + 1];
                dataRed[row * width + col] = ptr[3 * col + 2];

        GenImage3(&Hobj, "byte", width, height, (Hlong)(dataRed), (Hlong)(dataGreen), (Hlong)(dataBlue));

        delete[] dataRed;
        delete[] dataGreen;
        delete[] dataBlue;

As you can see in the code, the input image is splitted into three arrays (R, G and B) and those arrays are fed into GenImage3 to generate HImage object. You could try to implement the similar thing in your C# code.

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