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Vision Builder AI: How to control VBAI via API C#

Hi Guys,


I want to use Vision Builder AI 2023 Q3 to perform vision inspection. My struggle is that I want to control the start/stop/get result from the c# code.

Windows 11 x64


I found info about GitHub repo GitHub - ni/vbai-dotnet: Collection of .NET wrapper functions for the Vision Builder AI API. I even managed to compile the example according to readme file.

The problem is that when I try to run the example I get:

System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 'Unable to find an entry point named 'SetExternalCanvasCallback' in DLL 'nivissvc.dll'.'


What can I do to make it working? (Windows reinstallation is impossible!)

Is there any other way to control the vbai the way I want?



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I've managed to solve the issue. My way:


1. Install Vision Builder (my case is version 2023 Q3)  and other components that you are using from NI.

2. Download and compile GitHub - ni/vdm-dotnet: NI Vision Development Module for .NET ( I used .net 4.8)

3. Download GitHub - ni/vbai-dotnet: Collection of .NET wrapper functions for the Vision Builder AI API.

4. Take compiled NationalInstruments.Vision.Common.dll and use it for compiloation of src/vbai.csproj

5. Use both .dll to compile and run for examples/dotNet.API.2015.csproj

6. There are still errors about unmanaged code but at the end example is working. Several times I click continue.


I used visual studio 2022.

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Does anyone know where can I find VBAI API description?

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