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Complex Image - 3D View

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I was trying to 3D-display some complex image data. The 3D View function accepts CSG images, allows you to select a plane (standard option= 2 /  magnitude), and displays that. (

It doesnt seem to work. I get a "Error -1074396077 occurred at IMAQ 3DView", which means inconsistent datatype. 

I implemented a minimal example showing this behaviour:




The workaround is trivial.. extract the desired plane, use IVA Dynamic Adjustment to get to U8, done. 

However, I'm a bit worried that I have a corrupted system, because this is not the first time I stumble upon inconsistent behaviour with the CSG datatype. Can you guys confirm that you have  same issue as I do? I don't really want to reinstall my machine, because I've customized a lot.


Thanks a lot,


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author b.ploetzeneder

Hi B,



            I believe the reason you were enctountering the error is because you missed an input for the IMAQ . Attached you will find the your example, but modified. See if it solves the isse 😉 .





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Message 2 of 3

Hi Denis,


yep, works.  mhmm.. I get the point that the VI modifies the src reference and turns it into an U8.
Still.. I would have expected it to work on the first run, or at least there should be a note in the documentation that a dst reference is required for CSG. There's a lot of sloppy programming with that datatype, mainly because nobody seems to use it as much as I currently need to.




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