MMU LabVIEW Proficiency Group

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coding error help

Hi, need help in debugging process, I have attached my design in this thread.

my project is about to design a GPIB controller for Tunable laser source and Optical spectrum Analzyer.

When i connect my PC with the instruments and run the block diagram, the Tunable laser source instrument shows the E0050 GPIB syntax error. I cant get any solution about this error in google.

Another problem is the Optical Spectrum Analyzer display didnt show the graph although the tunable laser source device is keep chaging wavelength if I run the block diagram separately.   

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Is the error shown on LabVIEW pop up error message or on the laser instrument display? It is stated syntax error, you should try referring back to the laser instrument manual/datasheet to check on the syntax u send to control it.

For the waveform display on different wavelengths, you can turn on auto-scaling for the wavelength axis. This will ensure the wavelength value out of the axis range is auto adjusted and shown on the plot.

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