02-20-2014 03:29 AM
Thanks for your support...
Anyhow as of now we are using hypertermial as solution for our work...
02-20-2014 03:37 AM
Hello Vikram,
Did you catch it when Roberto wrote : "I'm not sure I can understand what is happening there, but it seems to me that you have saved the same log with different names: attached files are identical (fc found no differences: they are byte-by-byte the same)"
Did you really post the files you planned to post ?
02-20-2014 03:44 AM
Ok..it's mistaken
Please find the log of hyperterminal commands
02-20-2014 04:24 AM
There is 1 difference (44th character sent...that's the only difference) as you can see below :
02-20-2014 04:25 AM
Erratum : 45th character sent (index 44 in 0-based index array)
02-20-2014 04:36 AM
It seems that there is an answer from the controller (*0) in the middle of the frame for Hyperterminal (after 44 characters have been sent). Maybe you should read this answer before sending other characters to COM port ?
02-20-2014 04:41 AM
I had cross checked that..and executed one more time freshly...
please find the log..even i surprised..why in between the response came in that file..
see the new log..there is no change in the data
02-20-2014 04:45 AM
I guessing on the Data format and internal configuration of CVI..
my rs232 configuration is( buadrate 115200, data bits 7 and parity odd & stop bit 2)..
I am thinking the data bit is 7 in configuraiotn but sending one byte(8 bits)..I am totally confused what to do with this behavior.
02-20-2014 04:47 AM
You're right.
Another point is "IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS" lines in CVI log, between each character sent. It is not visible in HYP log. Don't you think it could be the reason why it doesn't work ?
02-20-2014 04:49 AM