unfortunately your suggestion is not an option:
int PlotScaledIntensity (int panelHandle, int controlID, void *zArray, size_t numberOfXPoints, size_t numberOfYPoints, int zDataType, double yGain, double yOffset, double xGain, double xOffset, ColorMapEntry colorMapArray[], int hiColor, size_t numberOfColors, int interpColors, int interpPixels);
- values higher than the highest in the colorMapArray are translated into hiColor (that I can customize); but I use hiColor for other purposes
- values lower than the lowest in the colorMapArray are translated into the first color in colorMapArray;
The mai question is: is this handling of NAN an intended behavior or not?
It's different from how NAN is handled in other graphs, so I think it's not an inteneded behavior, but rather a bug... but I'm not sure
In claris non fit interpretatio
Using LV from 7
Using LW/CVI from 6.0