To speed up table refreshing you should:
- add all rows at one call,
- to insert values use SetTableCellRangeVals function,
- before updating table set ATTR_VISIBLE to '0' when you finish set
( don't call ProcessDrawEvents or ProcessSystemEvents while updating
table )
Using this three metodhs I speed up table refreshing (100 x 2000) more than
1000 times.
Jaroslaw Przywieczerski
U¿ytkownik bthorp w wiadomooci do grup dyskusyjnych
> When adding rows to an existing table control, the screen refresh rate
> is extremely slow. I have had this issue with high and low speed
> computers. One solution, although not acceptable, was to hide the
table while adding rows, then re-display the table. This sped up the
> add-row process, but of course caused the table to flash annoyingly.
> Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.