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web publishing labview 9.0

hello to all,


is it possible to show me step by step, the procedure in order to publish a VI to internet?

i follow the procedure on web publishing tool  but this is for a local network.

also i follow this instructions,  but nothing happens.


thanks in advanced!



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Message 1 of 15

Hi panlab,

did you get it to run on your local network?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

thanks for reply

and i 'm able to see the VI.

could you help me to publish this vi to internet?


Probably, i need another IP adress ( http://my_IP/example_net.html)  and something more ....that i can't find !

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Message 3 of 15

I think that is something you are going to have to talk to your network administrator about.  Most IT guys aren't going to open up any firewalls by default to allow any HTTP: messages on port 80 to go inside the firewall.  In addition, the IP address of your PC that is hosting the webserver is only meaningful inside of your network.  You can't access that IP from out on the internet.  Your IT guy would have to do something to create an interface that lets unsolicited messages from the internet to be directed to your PC inside the firewall.

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Message 4 of 15
Dear We are going to established a laboratory setup with LabVIEW 2009 for remote access/view through web. We have LabVIEW full Professional version .Please look at the snap in the attachment. But we are facing some problems. If we keep the viewing mode as Embedded then we have no. of connection problems. Hardly more than one client can connect to our server. Attecment#2 If we keep view mode Monitor (with refreshing time as 1 sec) then the size of LabVIEW in the memory grows and grows and the increment is even more if the no. of connections increases. Please advise me some proper solution. Please also guide me how to upload a new message/thread on this forum. I shall be more than thankful to you for this. Best Regards Syed Shahid Raza
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Message 5 of 15



Could you give me some more information about the specific communication problems that you are having when you set the viewing mode to Embedded?


Typically, with the view mode set to Monitor and the refresh time set at 1 second, you shouldn't be getting an incremental growth in memory. Maybe this memory growth has to do with the VI itself? If you just use a VI with one control and indicator do you still see this type of growth?



Rachel D.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 15
Thanks for the comments. Please find the attachments. As upon your recommendation I have put simplest controls on my VI and tested it. It has total size approx 34k ( and my actual vi size is 149k ( After web deployment of the memory usage of labview.exe is 60,368k and after 1 min or so the size is 60,838k. The size reached up 64,343k when I open anther web page of test.html from the same PC . So still the size of labview.exe increment problem is there. The CPU usage reaches up to 100% as the no. ofclients connects to this PC through LAN increase. The problem with the embedded mode I have is that hardly more than one PC (some time even 1 client can’t) can see my VI(HX) through browser. I am not favoring any mode i.e. the embedded or monitor but just want to enable remote PC to see the updated VI (HX).
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Message 7 of 15
With Snaps Thanks for the comments. Please find the attachments. As upon your recommendation I have put simplest controls on my VI and tested it. It has total size approx 34k ( and my actual vi size is 149k ( After web deployment of the memory usage of labview.exe is 60,368k and after 1 min or so the size is 60,838k. The size reached up 64,343k when I open anther web page of test.html from the same PC . So still the size of labview.exe increment problem is there. The CPU usage reaches up to 100% as the no. ofclients connects to this PC through LAN increase. The problem with the embedded mode I have is that hardly more than one PC (some time even 1 client can’t) can see my VI(HX) through browser. I am not favoring any mode i.e. the embedded or monitor but just want to enable remote PC to see the updated VI (HX).
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Message 8 of 15
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Message 9 of 15
I am so sorry for repeating the same message because of some problem with the attachments. Please find these snaps now.
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Message 10 of 15