04-29-2010 08:35 AM
Hello all,
I created the installer of an application - "MyApp" - (including Labview run-time, DAQmx,etc) and then added the installer to a 3rd party application builder (installaware).
I have a problem uninstalling the application. To uninstall the Labview run-time, DAQmx I use to following command:
%ProgramFiles%\National Instruments\Shared\NIUninstaller\uninst.exe
this prompts the user to uninstall all the Labview framework but does not include "MyApp". During the uninstall it detects that "MyApp" needs some of the software it´s currently uninstalling and prompts the user if he wants to uninstall "MyApp".
What I would like is to have a command that uninstalled silently all LabVIEW software along with "MyApp".
To install I´m using "setup.exe /qb AcceptLicenses yes /r:n" command in order to make the installation without any user interface, so I was wondering if there was something like this for the uninstall.
The product Guid does not seem to be an option because it varies from PC to PC.
thank you for the help,
04-29-2010 08:54 AM
04-29-2010 09:07 AM
I think there is a mixup, "MyApp" is a LabVIEW application that I built using LabVIEW application builder and then launched/called in my 3rd party installer.
In the LabVIEW build options I included LabVIEW run-time, DAQmx, etc to be installed with "MyApp". So I think LabVIEW uninstaller should know how to uninstall "myApp".
04-29-2010 09:42 AM
04-29-2010 09:59 AM
I had already seen that command in:
But when I try to run (uninst.exe /qb/x "MyApp") the following prompt appears:
Do you have any idea why?
I also noticed that on your post you state "Uninste.exe" instead of "Uninst.exe". Is it a typing error?
04-29-2010 01:53 PM
04-30-2010 03:52 AM
I had already tried it (uninst.exe /qb /x "MyApp") on command prompt. The error is the same "Invalid command line parameters" as in the image of the previous post.
Even if I put "uninst.exe /h" as stated in the error message the error is the same. Am I missing something? Do I need to add something to the installer in LV installer builder?
04-30-2010 04:04 AM
I saw on: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361E-01/lvupgrade/labview_features/
that the command parameters of uninst.exe are upgrade features of LabVIEW 8.6, is this correct? I'm using LV 8.5.1.
If this feature is not available in LV 8.5.1 is there any other way to do this?
05-08-2010 04:46 PM
Hi NI guys,
I, also, would sure appreciate an answer to this question. The documentation in http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/33434B8E1786A142862574330079237E?OpenDocument indicates that a whole host of uninstall options are available to the user, especially to uninstall NI products themselves. Yet, whenever I use (for example)
' uninst.exe /qb /ForceDependents /x "NI Labview Run-Time Engine 7.1.1" '
at the command line, I get the same cryptic error dialog as Adam. Same dialog appears when I try ' uninst.exe /h '. The above documentation seems to indicate a much richer set of choices should appear in the dialog, and be usable on the command line.
By the way, typing
' uninst.exe /qb /x all '
works just fine to uninstall everything.
To install the NI products, I am using setup.exe from Runtime 3 of NIDAQ 8.7.1, available at http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/975/lang/en.
Best regards,
05-10-2010 04:26 PM
I figured out that the version of setup.exe and uninst.exe I was using were 2.5.1, which do not support all the current flags.
I am now using the DAQmx 9.1 Core Runtime (installer version 2.7.1) and the options seem to be working fine.
By the way, it's nice that NI is supporting two stripped-down versions of the recent installation packages, but a line-item version would still be much appreciated. I will probably end up using the Configuration runtimeinstead of Core, adding 400MB to my installer just for the useful addition of MAX.