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splash screen

hello everyone,

I am new to labview. Can we add buttons to splash screen? I want to open main vi after pressing the buttons on splash screen.

Each button has different function in main vi.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi Radhika,


@Radhika_Nimbalkar wrote:

Can we add buttons to splash screen? I want to open main vi after pressing the buttons on splash screen.

Each button has different function in main vi.

Which "splash screen" are you talking about?

Why don't you open your "main VI" (or better: your current project) from the LabVIEW GSW (GettingStartedWindow) in the project/VI listbox?


What exactly do you want to achieve?


Keep in mind: often it's better to ask for "what do you want to achieve" and not "how do I implement a very specific task" - sometimes the "how" is misguided and it's easier to clarify the "what" of your problem! (In fact the "how" is more often wrong for "new to LabVIEW" people then it is for more experienced LabVIEW users.)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 7


Thanks for replying.

I need to design simple vi using daqmx. First I need to check connected devices and then start test. When I press test button I need to open test window which will show test results.

Any other way to achieve this?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Perhaps you can put a shortcut to your vi on your desktop. This way you can click the icon and it will open LabVIEW with your vi open, no LabVIEW start screen. 


You don't need to open LabVIEW before opening a vi, you can open a vi and LabVIEW will launch in the background to run to the vi. 

Have a pleasant day and be sure to learn Python for success and prosperity.
Message 4 of 7

@Radhika_Nimbalkar wrote:

I need to design simple vi using daqmx. First I need to check connected devices and then start test. When I press test button I need to open test window which will show test results.

Very good -- you described what you need to do, as @GerdW suggested.  You have some sequential "tasks" to do, and you want to progress from Task to Task by pushing buttons.


All are quite simple in LabVIEW, but you need to know/understand some fundamentals.  Have you had any instruction in LabVIEW?  Do the concepts of an "Event Loop" (a While Loop around an Event Structure) mean anything to you?  Have you heard of a "State Machine", and do you know enough LabVIEW to guess how you might go from one Task to another by Button presses?


Have you learned about "Data Flow", and that LabVIEW is a "Data Flow" language?  Does that mean anything to you?  Has anyone explained that (because of Data Flow) LabVIEW can "do several things at the same time", i.e. allows (and encourages!) parallel processing?


Bob Schor

Message 5 of 7

Yes, I am aware about LABVIEW is data flow language .I am loving the "State Machine" and event loop. As you suggested I am trying learn in depth about every fundamental. Thanks for guidance it does helped me a lot.  

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Thanks for suggestion, but I am not trying to create any shortcuts. But if needed I will definitely keep that in mind.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7