I'm using a the standard "PID block" (control toolkit) - and I have set the output range to 2-5 - so this means that the PID controller can output a minimum of 2 and a max of 5! but here is my question: when the cotroller is active it only outputs integers, so this will be 2,3,4 or 5! how do I change this "resolution" so it fx can output 2.3 or 4.5 and so on?? hope you guys understand my question?
I presume you are talking about the "Output range" input of the PID.vi in control design toolkit. The default data type of the input is a cluster of two doubles("Output high" and "Output low"). Can you preset those values to your desired outputs?
----------------------------------------------------- Dennis Morini District Sales Manager National Instruments Denmark http://www.ni.com/ask
hello i'm having similar problem. what is the resolution of the simple pid.VI, is it posible to change it. for me the higher the resolution the happier i become 🙂