04-21-2009 03:10 PM
Hello all,
I want to generate a Pseudo random binary sequence using the NI PXI 5441 arbitrary waveform generator. The idea is to generate a dual PRBS signal which can then be RF modulated at later stage. My question is whether it is possible to realize my goal on the AWG?
Thank you!
05-07-2009 09:54 AM
Hi Vijay,
Could you generate the the PRBS waveform and then convert it from a binary wavforem to an analogue waveform which mimics the shape of the digital waveform?
For example if you were outputing the signal in the range of 0V-5V Converting the data points to be 0V for a Low state, or 5V for a High state.
You should then be able to output this waveform from the Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
Hope this helps,
05-10-2009 04:05 AM
Thankyou Steve,
Yes, that is what I plan to do. Then, can I generate a sequence in MATLAB and embed the code in NI LabView? Also, what is the maximum frequency that I can output from the arb? I want to output a PRBS in the GHz frequency, say over 1GHz.
05-11-2009 03:29 AM
Hi Vijay,
There should be no trouble interfacing MATLAB code with LabVIEW, there are several possibilities for this which are explained on the following article.
With regards to outputting a signal of 1GHz frequency, you would have to output at least ten times as many samples in order to get an accurate representation of the signal, so you would need a card with an output rate of 10GHz, and the 5441 is quoted as having a sample rate of 100MS/s (which would be ideal for signals up to 10MHz)
I hope this information helps,
05-17-2009 04:09 AM
Hi Steve,
Can I use the RF upconverter (NI PXI 5610) to attain higher frequencies, say upconverting the 10MHz signal generated from the arb to 1 GHz with the help of the upconverter? If this is possible, then will the signal output from the upconverter be in any way different from a PRBS signal generated from an arb that could output upto 1GHz?