11-24-2021 11:15 PM
I am trying to install Labview and myrio.
I installed labview and NI with the official usb and additionally installed 2018 myrio, vipm, fpgm.
But when I create a new project and add the myrio device, it says "Feature not available".
What more files do I need to install?
Or what should I do about this?
The following image is the Project Explorer with the error message.
11-25-2021 05:55 AM
I'm just guessing here (as you provided very little information about your system), but I'm going to guess you don't have the appropriate Software installed. Now, if you opened MAX, expanded the Software tab of "My System" (and expanded the Software tab of the most recent version of LabVIEW it shows) and attached that screenshot, plus expanded the Software Tab of your myRIO device under Remote Systems, we could see (for example) if you have LabVIEW Real-Time installed on both Host and Target, and if they are the same version. But you might have other problems we could "guess" ...
Bob Schor