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myRio connection issue

Hi Everyone,


I am trying to open a project that interfaces with a myRio. I've installed the myRio Toolkit and all drivers, but I still get a missing driver message. Everything is 2021 btw. I'm a novice at LabVIEW, so I really appreciate all the help.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Did you try running the "NI License Manager" program to see if everything you installed has been licensed?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hello, Songkang.  Welcome to the LabVIEW Forum.  


     I have installed myRIO Toolkits since shortly after the myRIO was released, and the 2021 Toolkit is, by far, the most difficult to install.  I was fortunate to be able to discuss this Toolkit with some of the NI Developers who explained the "correct" way to install this software, and I have posted my experiences in the "Additional NI Products Boards", under "Academic Hardware Products, myDAQ and myRIO" .


     It would help me to help you, and other students getting started with LabVIEW and NI's Academic Products (such as the myRIO) if you could provide me with some additional information about yourself and your myRIO.

  • Are you a student?
  • Did you purchase the myRIO for yourself, or were you given (on loan) a myRIO that had been previously purchased (and presumably previously used by another student)?
  • Were you provided with instructions on how to install the myRIO Toolkit on your PC?
  • Were you provided with instructions on how to install LabVIEW on your PC?
  • Can you summarize these instructions for me?  I'm particularly interested interested in the order you installed various components, and whether any National Instruments software was already on your computer when you started installing LabVIEW.
  • If you have NI MAX installed, please open MAX, expand the entry under "My System" called "Software", and attach a screen shot showing the NI Software that MAX "sees".  I can compare it with a system that I know "works", and can then suggest how you might proceed.

Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hey Bob, appreciate the detailed help. I'll try to answer all the questions one by one.


1. Yes, I'm a student using this for an independent study project

2. I'm borrowing the myRio

3. no, I just googled it and downloaded everything from NI

4. I just downloaded LabVIEW and put my school license in

5. I downloaded LabVIEW first, then downloaded the real-time and DAQ modules, and recently did the myRio toolkit

6. See screenshot of MAX below


Thanks again for the help,


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Just checked, LabVIEW is actively running with my school license.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Good news!  You should be able to install LabVIEW 2019 (or 2019 SP1), and the myRIO Software Toolkit 2019.  This is a fairly straight-forward installation with fewer problems than the more recent 2021 version.


One important consideration is that the myRIO Software Toolkit has pretty stringent requirements.  It will not work "optimally" with any version of LabVIEW except LabVIEW 2019.  I also recommend that you use 32-bit LabVIEW (that's the version that I've been using for the last 15 years, with no significant problems).


Here are (most of) the steps to install LabVIEW 2019 and the myRIO Software Toolkit 2019.  The phrase "most of" is because I'm doing this from memory, though in the past year or two I've done a dozen of these installations.  I often do a "pure" installation, (safely) removing all NI software first, but since it appears that all of your NI software is older than LabVIEW 2019, let's try just install the "new stuff" and leave the old code alone.  If this doesn't work, I'll show you how to do a safe removal, and then a "pure" install.


Installation of LabVIEW (in my experience) works best when done "slowly", installing only a few elements at a time with multiple reboots.  I assume you have access to a decent Network connection, as we'll be connecting to NI's download site for this installation.  You will need your Academic License to activate LabVIEW and Toolkits as we install them.


  • Go to NI's Download site.  In North America, this is  LabVIEW Download - NI - National Instruments › downloads › software-products .  We'll be coming back here several times (though it is possible we can just re-open NIPM and add packages -- I forget the details ...).
  • You want to choose LabVIEW 2019 SP1, 32-bit.  "Base, Full, Professional" should be automatically checked, as is Driver Software Included.
  • It will (probably) download NIPM, NI Package Manager, though it might simply start up NIPM that's already on your machine.  It might also install a newer version of NIPM -- this is probably OK.  
  • When NIPM is installed (you may require a reboot), you'll probably be able to do most of the rest from NIPM.  If you "get stuck" and can't find something, send me a reply to this topic or send me a Private Message through the Forums.
  • You should now be on NIPM's LabVIEW, Toolkits and Modules, and Devices page.  Choose LabVIEW 2019 SP1 32-bit.  Choose LabVIEW 2019 Real-Time Module (I might not have the names 100% correct, but that should be pretty close).  At this point, I recommend choosing nothing else.  Deselect (uncheck) all Device Drivers and other items on this first page, except for VIPM, if present and unchecked (this gives you access to the LabVIEW Tools Network, which can be useful).
  • When you advance, you'll come to a page whose name I forget, but which offer "Additional Features".  My recommendation is to turn them all off (I think there's an option to do this, possibly at the bottom of the page), then look at them, one at a time, and turn on those that you think you will need.  I leave all everything to do with .NET, for example, and that involve hardware I'm not using.  [You can always add features later].
  • Proceed to do the first Installation step.  This may take 20-40 minutes.  Reboot when done.  Don't worry if hardware gets installed -- somehow VISA always seems to install itself without asking.
  • On the second pass, you want to install the following:
    • LabVIEW FPGA Module
    • LabVIEW FPGA Compilation Toolkit for Vivado (I'm not sure of Version, but I think it is 2017-something).
    • Select Drivers, including DAQmx, VISA, NI-Sync, and CompactRIO.
  • On the Additional Items, deselect everything, then select those that seems to "make sense" (so, again, nothing that you don't "obviously" need, like .NET, but adding things that you probably do need, like cRION Firmware for NI Linux-RT Real-Time Embedded Targets.  This, of course, describes the myRIO.
  • Say a little prayer, and start this installation.  There are a few more steps, but I want to know that this much worked before proceeding.

Please let me know if/how this is going.  I'd appreciate another screen shot of MAX's Software listing.  Try to widen the Software window so I can see things more clearly.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Hi Bob,


I tried everything you said, and I'm running into a strange issue. I removed everything 2021 and installed 2019, but I'm only seeing LabVIEW 2018 now? I'm not really sure how to approach this. I've attached screenshots of what I'm seeing below.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

think there is a way forward.  Five days ago, I sent you a Private Message through the LabVIEW Forum, but I'm guessing you haven't seen it.  I'm going to send you a second message in about 5 mintues.


When you sign in to the Forum, you should see your Profile name and avator in the upper right part of the screen.  There should be an image of an Envelope (suggesting a letter, or message) with a number beside it (the number of messages you haven't read).  Please read my message -- if you can't see any messages, you can respond here in the Forum saying "I can't see your messages" and I'll see what I can do.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hey Bob,


Didn't realize you'd sent me a message, I'll check it out.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9