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myRIO Servo Motor demo control issues

Hi all,


I'm using the myRIO to control my Corona CS-239MG Analogue servo motor however I am running into a major issue: It won't actually stay in one position, but swings back and forth CW and CCW. Here is a video I have uploaded to YouTube:


This is running the standard NI Project Essentials guide demo software that I downloaded from NI. Any assistance will be helpful, I've never worked with either LabVIEW or the myRIO.


Thanks so much!

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Message 1 of 2

Hi Rhettyj92,


Because this is more of a motion control or myRIO issue, you may find that you have better luck posting in one of the more specific forums- I would start with the motion control forums, since it sounds like that's likely where the issue lies. Make sure you include information about whether you're working with NI-Motion or SoftMotion, as well as what kind of motor drive you're using, so that the folks there have a better understanding of your system.


You should also consider either going to or calling into our support line (866-275-6964) and opening a Service Request, so that you can work with one of our engineers to track down the cause of the problem.


Kathryn K.
Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
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