08-12-2013 04:23 AM
Please I need help
this is my code and i want to multiply the signal by 100 or by 1000 to increase the signal, How could i multiply it?!
Thank You
08-12-2013 06:23 AM
08-12-2013 07:19 AM - edited 08-12-2013 07:20 AM
08-13-2013 03:49 AM
Hi Imano,
you can also use Offset and Multiplier in Graph Properties in Scales tab. But be aware of a fact that this settings are not visible and cause problems. Multiply VI is polymorphic so you can wire there even array of values on one input and single value and it will apply operation on whole array. I would like also to inform you that you do not need to use Convert from Dynamic Data VI, use Get Waveform Components. Also, for connecting to the RMS VI, use just array, not waveform converted from it. The coertion dots you can see (red dots on the inputs) means memory allocation and increase amount of memory that your application needs to run. Also at the beginning, you can apply Array Size VI on whole 2D array read from file, it will return array with size in each dimension (now you convert the whole signal from 2D array to dynamic data, then to waveform and then use just array of values from waveform).
Best regards,