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logic analyzer data to FFT in labview

Does anyone know how to convert a Logic Analyzer Data to FFT in Labview? I have the Agilent Intuilink to capture the data from the logic analyzer in excel format but when I used labview it does not show up. I had about 16 bits and 160K of sample data . Is it posible to convert the logic analyzer data to time domain and use the module in labview to transform into FFT?
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Message 1 of 6

Are you able to successfully import the Excel file into LabVIEW and extract your data? Is it actually a spreadsheet file or is it a comma or tab delimited text file? Once I know more about how the data is stored we can talk about how to get it into LabVIEW and manipulate it.

Message 2 of 6


Yes, The Intuilink  program is an excel program that capture the data from the logic analyzer, We are using matlab to get an FFT picture but that's about it, i would like to by pass matlab and take the excel file and port to into labview then use FFT function to analyse the data. I found a  VI program from Heldge that directly capture the data from the logic analyzer without using the Intuilink excel program but I don't know how to manipulate the data for FFT result. I could send you the .vi from Heldge is you want?

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Message 3 of 6
Attached is a Labview file which computes and displays the FFT and raw data.  It has the front panel ability to adjust the sample frequency as well as setting a Windowing function.  It's been a while since I've used it, so you may have to manually adjust the plot axes.  I used it to view data saved from an old HP logic analyzer.  It is in version 7.1
Message 4 of 6
JTerosky ,
Thanks, I will surely try.
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Message 5 of 6

Do you still have that vi from Heldge?  I have a similar problem.  Thanks in advance.  David

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Message 6 of 6