02-14-2010 08:34 AM
Hi all
I'm trying to develope a display about the lap time with "elapsed time" : somithing is wrong but i don't know what..... Than i need to store all the lap time in the table that i've already inserted in the program.....
This is my last task than I've finished the VI !!!!
02-15-2010 11:23 PM
hi... The "Format date time string" will not work in your case since when you subtract the first value with the second value and feed it to "Format date time string" only seconds will be avialble and Labview will take the default date and time string (i.e seconds since 1Jan 1904 +the remainig substracted seconds)..
So you can just change the logic a little bit by deviding the subtracted value with the appropriate value like 24 (for days) 3600 for hour 60 for second and so on.
As per showing the value on the table use a shift register and build the array some thing like this
02-21-2010 05:09 AM
ok thanks ....
But how can i link the array with the lap time? (i need to stop the time everytimes the lap progress is eagle to"o")
Than......Must I create another while loop in the pre-existent while loop to use the shift register?
Could you modify my VI?
02-27-2010 08:26 AM
Please help me!!
How can I show the lap time in an array? (or better in a table)