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labview runtime - slow pc start up

Hi Eden,

i started my laptop today with the wifi it took ~20mins to start up.

When i look in the event log by date i see the first "warning" message is:


Log Name:      Application

Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon

Date:          08/11/2012 07:43:31

Event ID:      6005

Task Category: None

Level:         Warning

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      genesys-nb04.Genesys.local


The winlogon notification subscriber <GPClient> is taking long time to handle the notification event (CreateSession).


The first "error" message is:

Log Name:      Application

Source:        Sophos Message Router

Date:          08/11/2012 07:44:30

Event ID:      8006

Task Category: Runtime environment

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic

User:          SYSTEM

Computer:      genesys-nb04.Genesys.local


The network identity (also known as the Interoperable Object Reference or IOR) of the local computer is invalid.


The next two error messages are Load Performance (source) and ID3011 and ID3012

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 55

Hi Max,


Thanks again for the info. Quite strange though, the last post seems to point at an issue with Group Policies; you are running on a server? The Sophos error you posted last suggests an issue with your network card - do you have the latest NIC drivers for your card?


I am still, however, confused as to why uninstalling the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine fixes this problem. I'd recommend trying these steps:


- First make sure you have the latest NIC drivers for your card, then see if this changes anything.

- If not, we should look at services running on start-up. If you run msconfig you can see the services that run on start-up. You could try disabling these (though I would leave any security software on, i.e. windows defender) and see if this sorts it.


This way we can find out if it is a problem with an app or a network issue.


Best regards,

Eden S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 55



I'm having the same problem with every computer I put the LV2012 Runtime on and which is running Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit dot make any difference).

However on my development computer and an aditrional Laptop where the full Lv2012 Development System is installed the problem is not existing (both running Win 7 64bit).

The other (currently 5 Win 7 PCs) have boot times up to 20 minutes. If I uninstall the LV2012 Runtime the problem is gone.


on one of the PCs I found some errors indicating the following issue

However using the bugfix above did not change much.


Best regards,


Message 13 of 55

Hi Rainer,


Thank you for posting. Did you check the event log? If you did; was there anything on there that matched with Maqsood's? 


So did you download the hotfix from the MS page you referenced, did this not affect the boot time? Sorry for the questions, I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this issue.


Best regards,

Eden S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 55


well now at least i know i am not alone! thanks for letting me know. We have our IT people looking into this and next week i am meeting our software hopefully will be resolved....i will let you know.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 55



The only allert during the boot sequence are several messages that GPClient needs to wait longer (6006 / 6005) and then that PGClient took 1000 something seconds to complete. As I said this is supposed to be fixed by the MS Bugfix i posted before. On one maychine this fix did seem to work but 2 weeks later the same boot delay was back again. It also seems that it is not allways taking the 10 to 20 minutes to boot sometimes the PCs boot just normal.

I just uninstalled the Runtiome 2012 on one of the machines and now it seems to work fine.

I just saw that the F3 fix is also availlabel fior teh runtime, so I will try that one and see if it helps...


best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 55



I replaced the LV2012f1 Runtime by LV2012f3 runtime but that did not change anything.

I applied the MS Bugfix mentioned above, also no result:


The only warnings (no errors) during boot are;

after 9 minutes: Warning WinLogon 6005

after 15 minutes: Waring WinLogon 6006


On two of the other machines it helped to deactivate all NI Services but after about 10 days the problem was back again even though the services were still disabled.

I just tried to disable all NI services on the machine above, but this time it did not help - still 15 minutes boot time...

When uninstallting the LV2012f3 runtime the problem is gone again...


best reagrds,


0 Kudos
Message 17 of 55



does the PC has access to internet? What about anti-virus software and/or firewalls?

They all might affect the system performance, esp. timeout behavior during startups at boot time.



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 55

Hi Norbert,


yes they are conneted to the internet, Kasperski 6.0.4 is running on them and the firewall is switched on.

Hoewever, when uninstalling LV2012 runtime they boot in less then 1 minute. There is also LV2010 and LV 2009 installed on the machines and that works fine. Only when adding the 2012 Runtime the problems start...


best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 19 of 55



not very likely, but you can give it a try:

LV 2012 should install and activate the NI Update Service. It is already part of LV 2010 platform installation, but the version changed... so it could be connected.


Here is a short instruction on how to disable this service. Give it a try.



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
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Message 20 of 55