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insert activeX into VI


I am trying to insert a exe or jar file through modern--> "file path control" and then execute it in the VI. I have tried to do that with web -browser Active-X in that case I am using URL and instead of http path I have used my local C:\ path and it works when it is on a local machine. But my application runs remotely through Labview Web publishing and when I try to access it through my browser on other PC it couldn't load from the server's c:\ path. It says there is a connection/DNS problem. But I am assuming it is because it can't understand the file path.


I am attaching my web-browser ActiveX VI.

It doesn't allow me to attach my ohms-law_en.jar simulation so I am posting a link where it could be downloaded. 





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hello SK,


I will test this out today and post any suggestions of mine on this thread. 

Vivek Nath
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Machine Vision
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

I look forward to it. Thanks


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hi SK,


I put the link you sent into the URL control on the front panel.  I was able to see the webpage just fine. Have you tried that?


Kristen H.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hi Kristen,


Thanks for your feedback. Yeah, it does work from local PC. But if you could please try it:


1) publish my through labview publishing.

2) You need to download that small simulation file ohm-law_en.jar from the weblink provided and execute it. It will show a path as URL on local PC.

3) Copy that path in the URL of the

4) Access that vi through web browser  from another PC and run VI.

5) That's when I get the message that network can't reach or so.


I think becasue the URL has local path of that labview server and I am trying to access it over the LAN. That's why I wanted to use "path" instead of URL to see if it works. But path doesn't associate with web-browser .. I simply I don't know how to.


I will appreciate your feedback again.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

I Assume you must use the full specifier and ofc have the file shared on the network on the remote computer.


Instead of c:\[path] you can try \\[computer name]\[share name]\[path]


So, assuming you're running c:\program files\testprog\test.exe on the computer Comp1 you'll need to:

1. Share the testprog folder

2. use the path \\comp1\testprog\test.exe


Then it should work (haven't tried it)



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Qestit Systems
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Thank you so much Yamaeda. It worked!!


The only thing is, it opens up a windows dialogue to "open or save" file. Is there a way to automate that through URL link command to open it with out asking. I have tried to uncheck my dialogue box which says always ask before opening. Because, if I use it from the remote PC that dialogue box appears on the main server where vi runs every time  I run that vi.


So what I did, I have used URL of that file as a constant string in the block diagram and from there it shows the file name in browser window and double clicking it executes it in a new browser. So far so good. But I will try to refine this to just one step so we don't have to open a browser window. But I got the key idea od sharing.


Thanks once again.



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Message 7 of 7