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in IMAQ certain randomly chosen pixel value ge nulled to zero

During Image anaklysis using LABVIEW IMAQ I suddenly am finding certain pixel values getting set to zero though the original image has all non-zero finite values. i am reading my tiff images as "float" images in labview and saving my processed image (after division etc) in AIPD format. This problem was not there initially. Also I have checked tghat these pixels are not saturated pixels.
Using windowsXP.
Please  let me know what might be hapenning.

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Message 1 of 4


Do you see this behavior immediately after you read the TIFF file or does this only happen after you process the image?  How is the image being saved into the TIFF file (another program, from MAX, etc..)?  Could you attach a sample TIFF file that behaves this way?

Let me know.

Best Regards,

Jesse D.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

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Message 2 of 4
Hi.I have stopped getting the problem after changing the default printer from our HP PCL6  to the Microsoft Office Document image writer. This was done because we had a compatibility problem of another analysis software with Hp PCL6 drivers. Seems to have worked for labview errors too.  will get in touch if it reappears. Has such problems been seen before in labview?
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Message 3 of 4

Hello bidisha,

I am glad to hear that you got it working again!  I did a quick search to see if anyone else had experienced this same issue, but I did not find anything.  It seems a little odd that the printer assignment would make a difference. 

Best Regards,

Jesse D.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

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Message 4 of 4