01-30-2008 07:03 AM
I teach an engineering lab and we do everything you are trying to do with with the PCI-6024E although if I were to choose a similar card today it would be the PCI-6221 M series. The 10Hz rate you are looking to achieve will be more a function of your physical setup than the data acquisition card and PC. We have one system that we can only drive at about 1Hz because of the size of the hydraulic pump, hydraulic cylinder size, and proportional valve response time. Others with smaller capacity hydraulic cylinders can cycle faster. We use a pressure sensor to measure the pressure on the hydraulic cylinder. That pressure times the area of the cylinder is used to calculate load on the specimen. It is much cheaper than load cells, not to mention the fact that the students find it much more difficult to destroy than accidently overloading a load cell. This has been adequate for the data resolution that we need. You will need to make the calculations on your system to see if it meets your needs. We are using a draw wire sensor for displacement on specimens like wood and plastics and attach strain gages for metals. Most of my controls students use one of the simple PID examples as the basis for their control algorithms. I hope this information helps.
Buddy Haun
CLA, VirtEx LCC, Colorado School of Mines
01-31-2008 10:18 AM
01-31-2008 10:18 AM
01-31-2008 10:52 AM
02-02-2008 10:15 PM