10-22-2013 03:33 AM
I am making a VI to control a pump. I can communicate now with the pump ( thanks to you guys) but my promotor wants an easy acces list of commands to use on the front panel. For example RV00000900 is a command that is send to the pump an agrees with Run mode at 0.9 ml/ min. My promotor just wants a tab to choose the mode ( the pump can work in dispense mode or Constant Run mode) and a command-control to enter the flowrate. How can i make Run mode agree with RV00
10-22-2013 03:38 AM
Make a Enum with the different commands and you'll have a nice list of commands. Make a control with which to control the speed. Place a Send command-boolean and in it's event you'll build your command from the other two controls and send it.