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histogram with just some columns of a table

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i wanna get a histogram from just some columns of a table (4 -6 -.....22)


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 19

It seems rather pointless to always attach oversize images that seem quite unrelated to the problem. The table terminal is not even visible!.


You want a histogram for each of the columns or for all selected columns combined? What is giving you problems?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 19

i attach the image just to give a simple idea about the issue.

i want to get in the histogram just some columns of my table(exactly 4 & 6.....22),and the histogram is 2 column clustred ,the 1st one represents what i said before and the 2nd one the average value of each column(again just 4 &6....22)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 19

Hi achfire,

 Nice to see you after long time,,Smiley Happy  .For histogram plots ,please refer to the attachment.





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 19

thanks a lot srikrishnaNF ur always here for help.


about the histogram i know exactly how to do that,i'm looking for how to get just some columns of the table to make a histogram from them

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 19

A table is just a 2D array of strings. To get a column, you use index array with toe row  index discunnected. To get a subset of columns, you would use a FOR loop, autoidenxing over an array of column indices. Try it!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 19

i tried index array but maybe in a wrong way

instead of getting 2 column clustered in each value(candidat & moyenne) i get histogram 3,4....11


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 19

Sorry, I don't have the office toolkit.


You need to simplify your example in order to get better help. A loarge oart of your code is very convoluted and barely readable.


  • Make sure your table has reasonable default values (run the VI until it contains data, then make the current values default).
  • Delete everything except the table and the histogram related code.
  • Save under a new nsame and attach it here.
  • You still have not explained what kind of histogram you want from ll the columns. Explain exactly want kind of result you would expect from the default data.
  • ....

Don't continue to clutter your post with oversized and meningless images. It is very distracting.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 19

for the table, i don' have any problem,it's fulled with data that i want.


about the histogram: i'm trying to get a comparison between some values of a user(row) with the the histogram has to have  in the x-axis 10 values (E1 -E2 ....E10) and in E1 i want to see 2 column clusters.the 1st one represents E1 for the user and the 2nd one represents the average of E1 of all users(all values of this column).in other words i want to make a histogram for just some of columns of each row


i removed some sub-vis, and i left important things.

i really hope that u figured what i have to fix,because i tried many solutions.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 19

@achfire wrote:

for the table, i don' have any problem,it's fulled with data that i want.

There is no data in the table of the VI you have attached. It is all blank.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 19