07-27-2018 02:51 PM
I have an old labview program that I inherited. I have connected a NI PCI-MIO-16E-4 daq to my computer. MAX is able to recognize and run successfully a test. However, when I use it in a labview program (v8.5) it doesn't seem to work and I get the error -10401 in AI Clock config. I have the current DAQmx (v9.5) driver. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
07-28-2018 09:25 PM
@deepakve wrote:
Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
The best help would be to attach the VI that contains the function that throws the error. For best results, right-click the folder that contains all of the VIs in this Project, Send To, Compressed Folder, attach the resulting .ZIP file, then tell us the name of the Top Level VI and the name of the VI that contains the function throwing the Error. The more you provide to us, the more likely we can make useful suggestions.
Bob Schor
07-29-2018 01:51 AM
Hi Bob!
Thanks for the prompt reply. I have attached the labview files in a zip file as requested. The vi file that shows error is the "scope.vi". The top level vi is named "simple scan 2.5.vi".
Allow me to explain the whole story behind my question. These set of vi's have been written by a past grad student in our lab (~ 2004) which I am trying to use now, after a long time, for my experiments. I am not sure in which version of the labview was this code written/used earlier, but the pc where I am trying to get it working has labview 8.5. At first, I transferred these files to this pc and I found run code errors in the main vi. The code was asking for missing set of AI (analog input) subvi's such as AI clock config, AI buffer config, AI trigger config and a few more. I sought the easiest solution of obtaining these missing subvi's from a different pc (with Labview 2010) by converting them to a lower version. This other pc also has a very similar set of vi files which work fine.
After doing this, the run code error is gone but the communication between the DAQ device and the software is still not achieved. I can see the device (PCI-MIO-16-E4, SCB 68) on MAX and I am able to obtain signals for the assigned tasks (3 channels). Initially, when I run scope.vi, its runs fine with no errors, but "AI read" gives a (#0x3) result, i.e. no data. In successive scope.vi runs, I get errors -10401 and sometimes -10609. These errors, as I think, are originated in "AI start" and "AI read" in scope.vi.
I apologize for a descriptive writing but I thought I had to put forth every detail pertaining to this problem to you. Kindly let me know if you need any more information that I can help you with.
Thanks in advance.
07-29-2018 10:04 AM
I wrote "... attach the resulting .ZIP file, then tell us the name of the Top Level VI and the name of the VI that contains the function throwing the Error". Too bad you want me to guess what you are doing ...
Bob Schor
07-29-2018 12:52 PM
Hi Bob,
The vi that is showing error is “scope.vi” with a subvi named “scope setting.vi”.
07-29-2018 02:17 PM
OK, I have Good News and Bad News. I opened one of the Multy_Scan_Script VIs, guessing these were at or near the Top Level. I noticed that you had a lot of .LLB files that looked like you might have thought you could pull in Driver and other Support Files (instead of loading them when installing a version of LabVIEW with its Drivers) -- my hope was that if your code was really in LabVIEW 8.5, that might be "close enough" to current versions of LabVIEW that I might be able to at least partly open it on my PC.
Instead, I got a series of messages saying that LabVIEW was searching for legacy DAQ routines in the LabVIEW 7.0 folder. Oops, NI DAQmx replaced Legacy DAQ in 2003!
I can see two possibilities for resurrecting this old code and re-establishing its functionality. One way would be to re-create the original Development Environment, which I will assume is LabVIEW 8.5 (which still can support Legacy DAQ, though NI, and I, strongly recommend migrating to DAQmx). To do this, I suggest the following steps:
Note that this machine should not be connected to a network, as it lacks security from attacks and updates are no longer possible.
With this replication of the original Development machine, but with a clean installation of LabVIEW, you should be able to open the code that you have and get most of the VIs to load. You will (probably) not need (and not want) the numerous mis-placed DLLs that are present in your ZIP file, which belong in the National Instruments "Program Files" Folder where the Driver files are stored.
A much better alternative, especially if you want to many any changes or improvements to this legacy code, is to build a "modern" LabVIEW Development System and "re-Develop" the application. This may seem like a much more difficult task, but having done this myself several times, the result was a huge improvement over the original code, running faster, with fewer errors, and being much easier to develop, debug, and maintain.
If you choose this route, here are the steps I'd suggest:
Now you need to design your Project. I definitely recommend putting your "project" inside a LabVIEW Project to help you keep track of the various pieces of code that your project requires. Here are some things that you should strive to attain:
Bob Schor
07-29-2018 02:39 PM
@deepakve wrote:
The vi that is showing error is “scope.vi” with a subvi named “scope setting.vi”.
Scope.vi calls AI Start, AI Config, or AI Read, which call the obsolete (and absent on my PC) Legacy DAQ routines instead of the DAQmx routines that have been used for the past decade-and-a-half. "Scope setting" appears to be a Global -- it is definitely not a called sub-VI.
I just sent you a detailed answer to how you should move forward with this Project. However, I now suspect that this may be much too ambitious for you, and may require contracting the Project out to a group that does LabVIEW Development.
Bob Schor
07-29-2018 02:55 PM
Hi Bob!
Thank you so much for the detailed answer. As I am not so good with Labview, I will opt for the first solution of yours and hope that it works. I only have two pc's (older than 2005) with both XP installed in them. The pc I want these programs to work has a lot of other softwares and dat that havent been backed up, so I am reluctant to reboot the windows. Do you think, uninstalling labview 8.5 on my pc and re-installing it would work? As for installing legacy DAQ and any drivers, where do you suggest I can get it downloaded from? The device I use is PCI-6040E.
Unfortunately, I dont know of any group here that does LabVIEW development. Perhaps you can suggest someone that I can contact in/near Downtown Los Angeles.
07-29-2018 03:48 PM
@deepakve wrote:
Perhaps you can suggest someone that I can contact in/near Downtown Los Angeles.
You could try advertising the job https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Job-Openings/bd-p/JobPost
07-29-2018 05:07 PM
Hi Bob!
Do you think installing labview 7 instead of 8.5 would work?