Actually, it s want i want to do. I wanna just display the measuremnt on a graph, i ll store the the result as a spreatsheet anyway. My measurment is going to be a hystresis loop, each loop consists of 300 measurments points, and i ll need to aveage several loops lets say maximum 20 loops causing 6000 measuremnt points. The question is what would happen if my measuremnt length is not as long as set history size? i read the description of buffer size vi but it s quite confusing.
another question is that measured datas by xy charter is stored in the memory for how long? each time when i stiop measuring, is it deleted?
what would you reccomend me to use in order to display my measurement dynamically, and storing the data at the and the experiment as a spreadsheet? I dunno if i m the only one who finds those graphs quite comlicated due to the abundance of them and similarity.