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dqgoop installation

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Hello everyone,


i'am trying to install dqgoop toolkit, i passed installation wizard without troubles, mass compil was done, i re started computer, but i don't know


how to access dq palette. how can i verify that it is correctly installed,  how does it appear in labview environnement ?


Does it works only if registred.

i use XP sp2 and LV 8.6


Best regards Tinnitus


CLAD / Labview 2011, Win Xp
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Message 1 of 4

There is no palette. You create a new class by using one of the options in the Tools menu. It opens a dialog and after you make your choices it creates the VIs you need where you tell it to.


You should note that there are advantages to using LVOOP over dqGOOP and that NI has an example in the example finder (Help>>Find Examples) which shows a reference based design, which is basically identical to what dqGOOP does.

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Message 2 of 4

Hello tst,


Thank for replying,


I assume you are talking of this 

"From the LabVIEW development environment, select Tools>>DataAct>>Make New dqGOOP Class... to start the wizard.  The wizard will use a file dialog to prompt for the name and location of the new class."  


My first issue is that i don't see this tools menu, do you mean labview tools menu or dq menu, could you send a jpeg ? , i'm a little lost...


I don't clearly understand what you said about lvoop over dqGoop, is it better to write object code my myself ?


In first time i would like to add to labview dqgoop and datafoop to have "same" functionnality as in C++ or other oriented languages , it isn't a judicious thing to do?


Best regards




CLAD / Labview 2011, Win Xp
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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author tinnitus

I'm assuming you're using the French version of LabVIEW, so the Tools menu would have a different name. It appears in every window in LV which has menus.


In any case, I would suggest that you use LVOOP because it would give you additional benefits such as inheritence, access scope, etc. As I mentioned, LabVIEW ships with a reference-based LVOOP example which does basically the same thing dqGOOP does. Just look at the examples.


You should note that LVOOP is different from C++ OOP in some important ways. You should read this and this.

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