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clipboard data

I am now trying to use AD board, using Labview8.
I must run another application program using HSP, I want to share the data using clipboard.
I tried to search the method for sending the data to clipboad.
I found some vi, such as or copy text to but it does not work, because these are for strings.
My data is numerical, so some change must done, but I can not imagine how to write it, because I am so beginner!!
I tried to write the data to text file, but data adding to the file, very big files!!
Clipboard is most good tool, I think.
And only one data from AD board is needed for sharing.
Please give me your advice. 
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Message 1 of 7


Thank you for contact our disscusion forum.
I am Amanuma from National Instruments Japan.

About your question,You can use "Number to Fractional String" to convert Numeric to String.
I attached VI that using it.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

National Instruments Japan
Application Engineers

Chizuru Aamanuama

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
I am very interested in your VI to write text to the clipboard - but I need to write an image of an intensity graph (including scales color, etc.)
There is an Invoke node for the Intensity charts and graphs called "Get Image" which outputs the image of the chart/graph from the front panel. 
Do you have more details of the function "int32_t SetClipboardData(int32_t Format, int32_t Data);" ?  I am wondering if there is a different tFormat number that would allow me to export the Intensity graph to the clipboard?
Hope to hear from you.
Thank you
S Hughes.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
You can certainly perform all those Windows calls. Or, you could just do this:

Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 02-01-2008 12:57 PM
Message 4 of 7
Hmm... I see the one-star bandit is still around given the one star rating I was given to my response. Which is correct way to do it, by the way, since it's not OS-dependent.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
You can find a VI that copies images to the clipboard as part of the tool attached here.

Try to take over the world!
Message 6 of 7
Thanks this looks like it will do it.  I will go away and play and see if I can get it working for me.  Thanks for taking the time to give me the reference.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7